Saturday, July 28, 2007


i've been sitting in the backseat for quite a while now. its not that i'm tired of driving --- it's more of not being familiar with this new course. i am resigned to the backseat...its dark and my eyes find it hard to focus under the direct attack of bright lights. yes, i'd rather be in the backseat.

and what i've just said --- all of it --- all BS! =P

i'm sitting in the backseat. period.

i believe this is what they call slowing down. some parts of my life have been compartmentalized -- not by choice (rather, a consequence of a choice). come to think of it, i can push against the boundaries, but i choose not to -- i don't feel the need to.

interestingly enough, i feel ok. i see myself as a heavy boulder running along a straight path purely by inertia and letting whatever external forces - be it strong winds or a hump on the road - to steer me to a new direction or slow me down.

as long as i feel this way, as long as i feel the need to lie down on the grass fields and create stories and images out of the clouds of the vast sky -- i will do so, to my heart's content. =D

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

i'm back...

"there are times you need NOT ask questions."

knowing myself just oh-so-well, i raised an eyebrow (as expected really!). but hey, i promised myself i'd be at least calm. don't let the the tiger out -- well at least NOT YET! hehehe =P

to be fair, i get the point. but getting the point is not synonymous to agreeing. agreeing takes a lot more. and yes, i got confused. so like the old me that i know, i kept my mouth shut while the mind takes its own time understanding what's happening.

why the hell do we need to complicate things that can be as simple as A-B-C? can somebody please answer me?

(oh well, im asking questions -- again!)